Friday, October 29, 2010

Lacamas Fire Drill

The Washington State Legislature recently passed a law, RCW 28A.320.125, requiring school districts to participate in what is known as a Multi-Agency Fire Drill once every four years. On Tuesday, October 26, the Camas Fire Department, the Camas Police Department, and CSD Operations team conducted a fire drill that simulated the actions necessary if a structural fire at Lacamas Heights Elementary were to occur. With the help of Lacamas Staff, students were relocated to Grace Foursquare Church, which is the school’s pre-determined, off-campus evacuation site. From the church, buses picked students up at regular dismissal time and departed for the trip home as usual. Parents who regularly pick up their students were able to do so at Grace Foursquare.

Both the Camas PD and FD as well as district staff did an outstanding job ensuring the safety of our students during the drill. A big thanks goes out to the volunteers at Grace Foursquare Church who let us borrow their space and audio equipment and who also generously provided hot coffee drinks to the Lacamas staff and fire/police personnel.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Camas Holly Days Arts & Crafts Fair

Get in the holiday spirit by attending the 
Camas Holly Days Arts and Crafts Fair. 
Unique holiday crafts, decorations, gift items, 
food concessions, holiday music and fun for the family!

Saturday, November 13
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Liberty Middle School Cafeteria
1612 NE Garfield Street

College & Career Options

The upcoming CHS College & Career Options Event will offer important college and post high school information for all high school students (9th-12th grade) and their parents. Several workshops will be held in the theatre along with other breakouts sessions. Click here to view the announcement.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Beauty and Mathematics

Come and join the community to hear Dr. Frank Wang speak on Beauty and Mathematics Tuesday, October 19, From 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the Camas High School Theatre. The event is free to the public and all are welcome.

Dr. Wang’s personal story is inspiring. Dismissed at a young age and deemed unable to learn, Dr. Wang failed at school until he began to secretly study math. Through his determination, Dr. Wang went on to earn a PhD in pure mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). After building a successful publishing company, Dr. Wang decided to return to the classroom to share his love of mathematics with young people.

His presentation on Beauty and Mathematics is the perfect answer to the question "What do  mathematicians do?" Dr. Wang will illustrate through humor, riddles, and concrete demonstrations - a higher purpose of mathematicians: To seek and find structure and order in apparent chaos and disorder.
Seating for the presentation is limited.For reserved seating please email your name and the number of people who will join you to:

Once you receive the confirmation, email please print it and bring it with you to the event. Also, send this email to a friend.

To learn more about Dr. Wang you can visit his web site at:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Know a student interested in a career in tech?

I wanted to let you know that the Software Association of Oregon is holding this year's Portland-area careers in IT education event for middle and high school students on October 21 at WSU Vancouver from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Eric VanderHouwen will be the keynote speaker but there will be three young women talking about their experiences from age 14 onward about careers in computer science, management information systems, and web site development/design.
If you or someone you know has a child who might benefit from hearing about the reasons they would want to get excited about going into a wide-range of careers in IT, this is the event for them to attend. Please consider bringing your children to this event or sharing this with others who have children who might want to come. The link with more information and how to register is