Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Fourth Annual Camas Indoor Kite Festival
This festival is the student’s major fundraiser for the year and allows them to attend the Statewide FCCLA leadership conference. This conference provides students the opportunity to experience and participate in a professional meeting, compete for and receive recognition for their efforts, and meet other like-minded students from across the state.
November is National Family month. This event is truly a wonderful way for the family to spend an afternoon or two enjoying healthy, artistic activity while avoiding the chilly and rainy November weather!
Kite flying is typically something one associates with the sun, lots of wind, and going to the beach. In this case, the American Kite Flyers Association sanctioned event is coming to the Portland Metro Area and the wind and the sun or rain is not a factor because this kite competition will be warm and dry inside the beautiful Camas High School Gymnasium, located about 15 minutes from the Portland/Vancouver area.
The first question that pops into most people’s minds when they hear the phrase “indoor kite flying” is, “How do you fly a kite indoors? Do you use fans?” The response is an emphatic no. The kites that are used are so light that small amounts of arm and body movement on the part of the flyer is enough to send these marvels made of former NASA materials sailing with a grace and beauty that has left many a person wondering, “How can this be happening?” The kite’s movements are set to music and the choreographed ballets are scored by a panel of judges who grade how well the flyer interprets the music, fly their kite or kites, and present showmanship.
Regional, National and International Champion kite flyers from Washington, Oregon and Canada will be there to participate in this American Kite Flyers and Northwest Sport Kite League sanctioned event. The results of the four separate competitions on Saturday and Sunday will count toward a regional championship which is key to qualifying for competition at the National level. On Saturday and Sunday, activities will include ballet competition, demonstration flying, hot tricks competition, kite making and the opportunity have a lesson and try your hand at flying yourself. See the website for a schedule of events:
FCCLA is the only national student leadership organization that focuses on the multiple roles of today’s individual as family member, wage earner, and community leader. The organization’s mission is to promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Science Education. Members build skills for life through planning and completing projects using creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and vocational skills.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Bus Ridership Week
If you have questions, contact the Transportation Department at 833-5585.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Imagine the possibilities
District seeks advisory committee members
Interested citizens are encouraged to visit the next CAC meeting on October 5, 2009, at Grass Valley Elementary School, 3000 NW Grass Valley Dr., at 7:00 p.m. Of particular interest, this group currently has little representation from Director Districts II, III and V. Maps of each district are available online at
Applications to CAC can be completed at the meeting, online, or by contacting Lynette Marshall at 833-5412. All completed applications should be returned to the Camas School District Administration Center by Wednesday, October 14, and will be forwarded to the School Board for appointment.
Line dancing anyone?
What: Beginning Line Dancing
Where: Lacamas Elementary Gym
When: Mondays, Sept. 28-Oct. 19
Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m.
$30 (checks made payable to E.C.C.E.)
Class code: 1240-09
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Vendors: register now for Holly Days
Be a Farmer for a Day!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Camas Student Graduates from Washington Aerospace Scholars Program

Stuart Jergensen was among the 150 students who qualified for the Washington Aerospace Scholars Summer Residency program from 260 students who applied in November. To qualify for the residency program, Stuart of Camas High School spent six months studying a NASA-designed, distance-learning curriculum via the Internet. Based on his academic performance on the distance-learning lessons, he was selected to attend one of the four residencies hosted at The Museum of Flight in Seattle this summer. During the residency experience, he collaborated with the other student participants on the design of a human mission to Mars. WAS scholars are guided by professional engineers, scientists, university students and certified educators as they plan these missions. The WAS program is designed to inspire students to pursue degrees and careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) but the students are divided into teams which also require them to learn about mission management, budgets, the legal aspects of space exploration, and medicine.
In addition to the design of the human mission to Mars, he and the other WAS scholars also participated in a number of hands-on engineering challenges. These challenges included design, construction and deployment of robotic rovers, model rockets, lander devices, and payload lofting systems. Summer residency participants also received briefings from experts in the fields of engineering, science, physics, medicine, project management, risk management, and space exploration. They also visited Everett, WA, for a behind-the-scenes tour of the Boeing Commercial Airplane assembly plant, (including the new 787) and toured engineering laboratories at the University of Washington. As a graduate of WAS, Stuart joins over 380 alumni, representing 170 different Washington high schools.
All expenses (including travel, meals and lodging) are provided to students free of charge by the Washington Aerospace Scholars Foundation. The program has been supported through generous grants from The Apex Foundation, The Aldarra Foundation, The Boeing Company, Microsoft, Battelle and individual donors. The Museum of Flight hosts both the program administration and the summer residency sessions. Additional partners include NASA Johnson Space Center for curriculum development, the Washington State Governor’s Office, Washington State Legislators, and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
District phone system update
The following is a simple list of tangible benefits that we will receive from the new phone system.
- It is estimated the District will save more than $100,000 each year under the new VoIP system due to the following: support costs for contracts and service are estimated to decrease by $68,000 per year, beginning immediately; by not using the previous system, the district will now be able to cancel unused telecom lines, resulting in a savings of approximately of $28,200 annually; under VoIP, the new long distance provider is expected to save another $10,800 annually.
- Implemented with the VoIP is a new voicemail system which is expected to save the technology department approximately 100 hours in maintenance each year.
- The new voicemail system can be managed in-house by district technology staff which results in faster service and less downtime creating accounts for people.
- While phone systems are generally reliable, under the old system there was a single point of failure with the land telephone lines. The new design has multiple service providers and other redundancies built in to minimize failure and keep phone service running in an emergency.
- Under the former system, emergency responders (911) did not receive the specific address of the site to visit. This will be corrected with the new system.
- Counselors, special education staff, and other employees who work at multiple sites will no longer have to track and manage multiple phone numbers and voicemail boxes. Their phone number will travel with them, making access to messages and phone calls easier.
- Exciting new features including managing voice messages via computer workstations, recording phone calls, and sending faxes directly from a computer are available for high call volume users such as office staff and principals.
Once training is complete and technical issues have been resolved, the district staff members will enjoy a robust phone and voicemail system. We thank you for your patience as we bring this project to completion.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Skyridge Earns Green Grant

While the school’s Go-Green efforts span a variety of areas, the grant request was specific for funding efforts to recycle, compost, and reduce the amount of waste produced by the school. Indeed, by recycling bottles and cans, reusing items such as paper and containers, and composting, Skyridge students and staff have already lessened their impact on landfills and diminished their environmental footprint.
First efforts began in 2007, when Skyridge started recycling in earnest. This involved putting paper and bottle/can recycle containers in all classrooms, and milk carton and bottle/can recycle containers in the dining room. The results were swift and remarkable: daily garbage output was reduced from 65 bags per day to 18. During that same year, the school started the Washington Green Schools Pilot program, but was unable to complete it during that school year. Thanks to a great team effort the following year, Skyridge completed the documentation and became the first school in Clark County to be certified a Level 1 Washington Green School in the spring of 2008.
In the fall of 2008, Skyridge added composting in the dining room. They further reduced daily trash output from 18 bags per day to 14. In the spring of 2009, the kitchen staff began composting and reduced their output from 3 bags to 1 bag per day.
Still, Green Team leaders have identified several areas for improvement. First, they hope to see the amount of bottles and cans in the garbage reduced, which will signify an increase in recyclates. Skyridge also hopes to see an improvement in their composting program. Based on a recent audit, the student dining hall compost contains over 30% trash/contaminants. Additionally, they plan to improve the staff recycling by purchasing recycling bins that allow easy sorting of compost, bottles/cans, and trash for the staff lounge and teacher workrooms. Team members hope to improve recycling in office areas by providing conveniently marked receptacles that are easily accessed and accommodate staff’s limited working space. While the $1,700 Husseman Sustainable Schools Seed grant will not fully fund the entire “wish list,” the Green Team is working to partner with community members to fill in the gaps and continue forward eco-progress.
For more information, contact Ann Hofman via e-mail at or (360) 833-5400, extension 2851.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Community Education Offers Bevy of Summer Opportunities
Camas School District Enjoys Consecutive Clean Audits
In an exit interview with administration, the auditors indicated that the district financial practices are extremely well run and in full compliance with state statue and board policy. Additionally, the auditors complemented the district on its strong controls.
Business director Ina Evers-Martin was pleased with the audit results, though not surprised. “Our staff members take their jobs very seriously and work hard to ensure that all accounts are in perfect order,” she commented. “We take great pride in our clean audit history.”
“In these trying economic times, it is very reassuring to know that our $55 million budget is run so competently,” stated Board President Doug Quinn. “These consistent clean audit reports are a reflection of Ina’s professionalism and good management.”
Free Immunizations for Incoming Sixth Graders
Sixth graders are required to have three doses of DTaP, DT or Td if the last dose is given on or after the fourth birthday. Additionally, the student needs 1 dose Tdap if he/she is 11 years old and it has been at least 5 years since the last DTaP, DT or Td.
Varicella requirement is a minimum of 1 dose, which must be given on or after the first birthday. Parent-reported history of disease is acceptable.
No appointments are required. Lacamas Medical Group is located at 3240 NE 3rd Ave., Camas, WA 98607. Phone: (360) 838-2440.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
CHS Students Athletes Set Personal Best
Sport – GPA (Number of varsity students)
Cheer - 3.22 (12)
Boys Cross Country - 3.56 (9)
Girls Cross Country - 3.56 (9)
Dance - 3.22 (18)
Football - 3.06 (49)
Boys Golf - 3.38 (12)
Boys Tennis - 3.11 (23)
Volleyball - 3.57 (11)
Girls Soccer - 3.5 (20)
Girls Swim - 3.74 (19)
Boys Basketball - 3.07 (12)
Girls Basketball - 3.38 (12)
Gymnastics - 3.37 (17)
Boys Swimming - 3.31 (22)
Wrestling - 3.11 (22)
Baseball - 3.26 (16)
Girls Golf - 3.50 (7)
Boys Soccer - 3.45 (19)
Girls Softball - 3.32 (16)
Girls Tennis - 3.40 (9)
Boys Track - 3.55 (18)
Girls Track - 3.40 (19)
Volunteering, Raising Awareness
Skyridge Student Earns Grant
This month brought about an opportunity to apply for a mini-grant of up to $500 for the “action plan” projects they had developed through the SELF Forum. Seventh grader and Green Team member Allison Emmet wrote and was awarded the full $500 funding for her “Envirotote Lunchbag” project. She will be using the money to purchase cloth lunch bags with the Skyridge colors and name for students to purchase. Allison hopes this will cut down on the amount of lunch garbage generated each day by students. Since the bags are washable and reusable, Allison is looking forward to a positive reaction to this example of practicing good environmental stewardship.
Romp Around the Lake
Camas HS Science Olympiad Team Places 3rd

Camas High School teacher and Science Olympiad coach Ron Wright has done an outstanding job building the program from its infancy just three years ago to becoming a state level competitor. In addition to the high school team, Wright led the effort to create both elementary and middle school Science Olympiad teams. In fact, Liberty Middle School also qualified for the state competition and took home several medals.
“In three short years we have established ourselves as one of the premier teams in the state,” commented Wright. “Congratulations to the team, parents, and Camas School District staff.”
Events included: Cell Biology, Disease Detectives, Ecology , Health Science, Herpetology, Astronomy, Dynamic Planet, Fossils, Remote Sensing, It’s About Time, Physics Lab, Trajectory, Chem Lab, Environmental Chemistry, Forensics, Egg-O-Naut, Electric Vehicle, Elevated Bridge, Junkyard Challenge, Experimental Design, Picture This, Technical Problem Solving, and Write It Do It.
Science Olympiad is a team competition that encourages high school and middle school students to apply their technical knowledge and abilities. The Camas High School team formed in 2006 and has competed at the state level each year, taking third at the State competition in 2007 and first in the past three regional competitions.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Safety Night at Prune Hill
Representatives from the Camas Police Department, Vancouver Computer Forensics, and the YWCA will present information to parents about the Registered Sex Offender Program and Internet Safety. Meanwhile, East West Premier Martial Arts and Clark County Sheriff's Office will keep children busy teaching them about Stranger Danger, Water Safety and Bike Safety.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Light Humor, Serious Music
Click here for a Liberty MS Fundraiser Coupon.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tiffani Pekkala Blood Drive
In Tiffani's Honor, Liberty Middle School, in cooperation with the American Red Cross, will hold a blood drive on Tuesday, April 28, from 2 -7 PM at Liberty.
If you would like to donate, schedule your appointment by visiting and use “libertyschool” as the code. You can also contact Bette-Jo Poser by phone at 833-4673 or by e-mail at
Liberty Student Brings Home Gold

Friday, April 10, 2009
Papermakers Rocking D-Town
The students also toured Universal Studios, spent a night on Catalina Island, and ended the trip with a tour of the Kodak Theater in Hollywood—home of the Academy Awards.
“The kids were fantastic on the whole trip and represented the state of Washington with the highest standards of behavior,” remarked Mancini.
Superintendent Mike Nerland was visiting his daughter in California and took in the parade. “The CHS band gave a stellar performance, and Mr. Mancini does fantastic work with the kids,” commented Nerland. “Camas really has something to be very proud of in our marching band.”
The band trip was paid for through fundraisers and the Associated Student Body (ASB) fund.
Photo Credits: Greg Anderson, Hank Garner, Laurie Kepfer, Cherrie Melton, and Jody Pieters. Thanks for sharing your photos!
New Boundary Exception Request Timeline
Click the link to view detailed information about the boundary process, timelines, and frequently asked questions: Boundary Exception Facts and FAQ.
Community Education Summer Opportunities
So if you have an elementary or middle school student who needs an exciting and fun camp this summer, or if you have a talent and would like to be become a Community Education instructor, contact Mary Weishaar or Karen Rudolph at 954-3836.
Please note: Camas High School will still offer the summer credit recovery program.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Dancers Wow Competition
These girls represented Camas High School well and are making a name for themselves as a competitive dance team! Way to go, Papershakers!
CHS Mock Trial Team Prevails
“Camas has never made it into the top 10 at state,” commented coach Jackie Hofer. “And they are bound and determined to be in the top 5 next year!”
Camas had a bevy of accolades including nominations of seven out of eight witnesses for Best Witness—more than any other team at state. Additionally, three of five attorneys were nominated for Best Attorney.
“The kids were amazing and considering two-thirds have never participated in the program before… well, we were proud!” Hofer added.
The trip was smooth, the kids were great. Thank you all for your support along the way. Those Camas kiddos really are impressive!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Saying Goodbye to Baller
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Whole Foods Market Hosts 5% Day for Camas Roots
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Spring Break Classes and More! (WORD)
Spring Break Classes and More! (PDF)
Basketball Camp (WORD)
Basketball Camp(PDF)
Skyridge Becomes Greener and Greener
There are five categories that are the basis for the program: Energy Efficiency; Recycling and Waste Reduction; Toxics Reduction and Indoor Air Quality; Transportation and Outdoor Air Quality; Water Quality and Conservation. Green Team members assess how the school is doing in the above categories, and then form sustainable action items based on the evaluation. These action items impact changes within their school that reduce or address the particular environmental issues outlined in the program. Finally, data is entered electronically through the Green Schools website. When a school has acquired 100 points, it is designated as a Tier 1 Green School. During subsequent years, a school can garner Tiers 2-4 by further addressing environmental issues.
In 2008, staff and students at Skyridge implemented a paper and plastic recycling program that has reduced the total waste by almost 70%. This year they partnered with Clark County Solid Waste liaison Erin Rowland and implemented the Save Organic Scraps (SOS) food waste/composting program. At lunch, students are seen separating paper and plastics from food waste. The waste is then collected and composted by Waste Connections. The process in becoming a Green School was started by environmentally-sensitive teacher Ann Hofmann. Within the first year, there were paper and plastic recycling bins in each classroom, hall, gym, and in the cafeteria. This was a big step considering plastic bottles weren’t recycled the year before. Skyridge earned enough points to be designated as a Tier 1 green school last month, the first school in Clark County to do so! They hope to continue their efforts to reduce their environmental impact, with the added bonus of saving the Camas School District money in operations and maintenance.
Expanded projects include vermicomposting worm bins in classrooms, participating in a Bike to School Day, having a student-lead recycling fair where students exchange items they no longer use, and creating a low-maintenance native garden at Skyridge using composted food as fertilizer. Students are linking up with Science teacher John Condon to start flowers and herbs in the school green house. These items will then be transferred to the ROOTS community Garden then sold by students at the Camas Farmer’s Market, and during the CamTown Festival in June.
Access to information:
Contact information:
Ann Hofmann,
Gayle Cooper,
Erin Rowland,
Monday, March 16, 2009
Papermaker Scientists Take the Trophy

Seventeen teams from 11 schools competed at the Lower Columbia Community College in Longview on March 14. The three-year-old Camas team placed third in last year's state competition and hopes to progress to the national event this year in Augusta, Georgia.
Top scoring CHS students included club president and senior Stephanie Nicholson, as well as team captain and senior Gaelen LeBlanc, senior Jason Reiter, and junior Natalie Stone.
Qualifying for the Washington State Tournament, were CHS (1st Place), Union (2nd), Columbia River (3rd), Mountain View (4th), Prairie (5th), and Excel Academic League (6th). The state tournament will be held on April 18th, all day, at Clark College. Viewing is free and open to the public. Science Olympiad involves both academic science skills and hands-on engineering abilities in 23 different events. Students compete in tests and "build it" events that require study, practice, and teamwork.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Camas Student Selected as a Washington Aerospace Scholar

Phase One of WAS is performed via distance learning utilizing a NASA-designed curriculum covering the history of space exploration, the Space Shuttle, the International Space Station, the Moon, and Mars. From January through May, the Scholars will complete ten lessons – submitting quizzes, math solutions, essays, and graphics concerning these topics every other week. Scholars will independently select a topic of interest for a final project combining an essay with a graphic. Scholars are also competing for a space in a summer residency session.
Phase Two of WAS is a six-day summer residency experience for 160 students. Selection is competitive and centers on performance in Phase One of WAS. In each residency session, 40 Scholars are selected to work cooperatively to plan a human mission to Mars with support from professional engineers/scientists, university students, and certificated educators. Each session also includes briefings from aerospace professionals, tours of engineering facilities, and hands-on engineering challenges involving model rocketry, robotics, landing devices, and payload lofting. The daily schedule is quite full, and the students lodge in double rooms at a local hotel under the supervision of certificated teachers. Travel, lodging, and meal expenses are provided to participating students and teachers thanks to the WAS Foundation and many generous donors.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Team Mean Machine Wows Competition
In a couple of weeks they will compete against 63 other teams in Seattle--some traveling from as far away as Turkey and Israel. Way to Go FIRST team, and good luck in Seattle!
Drug & Alcohol Awareness Night
Because our families are very busy, organizers have made sure that this evening is packed with information that will benefit every parent. Glenn will share data from our 2009 Healthy Youth Survey that was administered anonymously to CHS students earlier this year. There will be representatives from the Clark County Drug Task Force and the counseling field, as well as a small panel of students all share their insights and experiences. A question-and-answer session will follow these presentations.
CHS Student Earns Marshall Award

Emma Sagor, a senior at Camas High School, has been named the recipient of the 2009 General George C. Marshall Youth Leadership Award.
Sagor is the school’s Associated Student Body president, vice president of the Key Club, president of Healthy Lifestyle Advocates, and is a member of National Honor Society, School Health Council and Camas Youth Advisory Council.
She coordinated the first “stuff the bus” food drive in both Camas and Washougal, participated in the LSW Architects internship, volunteered with “At Home, At School” for homeless and disadvantaged youth, implemented an education and advocacy program titled “Small City, Big Difference” and is organizing a benefit dinner for Mercy Corps’ Action Center to End World Hunger. In addition, Sagor is first chair in wind ensemble, a member of the Camas High School select vocal ensemble and has performed in three of the school’s theatrical productions.
Sagor will be recognized at a public award ceremony at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25, at the Marshall House on Officers Row. She will receive a $1,000 scholarship and a $500 paid summer internship in the Historic Reserve Trust office. Sagor was nominated for the award by Steven Marshall, principal of Camas High School, and by Casey Wyckoff of LSW Architects.
The General George C. Marshall Youth Leadership Award was established in 2000 and is presented to a Clark County high school age student who demonstrates leadership, takes a stand for the rights of others, serves as a role model, shows initiative and motivates others to become involved. The award is one of the Celebrate Freedom programs organized by the Vancouver National Historic Reserve Trust.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Camtown Youth Festival Poster Contest
The Camtown Youth Festival is a free youth-focused event and includes a variety of games and interactive amusements, arts and crafts activities, entertainment, food, dunk tank, youth art show, a petting zoo, a kids’ flea & craft market, and kid-related information booths. This year’s event will be held at Crown Park in Camas on Saturday, June 13, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
All Camas youth, all ages, are eligible to participate in the 2009 Camtown poster contest. The poster design must be drawn on white, 8.5” x 11” paper. Any art medium may be used. Some elements of the festival, such as those listed above should be included; dates, time, and location do not need to be included in the design (this will be added in the production stage). Students must write their name, school, grade, and phone number on the back of the design. Poster designs will not be returned unless requested. Designs can be dropped off at any Camas public school, the Camas Community Center, 1718 SE 7th Ave, or can be mailed to P.O. Box 1055, Camas, WA 98607, attn: CYF Poster Contest. The contest ends April 10. Winners will be announced the week of April 20.
For questions, please call Krista Bashaw at 360-834-5307.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Phone-A-Thon Week
In 2009, through the generosity of Camas families and businesses, CEF supported the following projects through grants given to Camas educators:
· Science Olympiad for elementary schools,
· Camas High School robotics program,
· "Hawkeye Gazette” (Skyridge Middle School newspaper run by students),
· Parenting resource libraries at all elementary schools,
· Alternative energy project at Camas High School, and much more!
Highly Capable Application Window
The Hi-Cap Gifted Cluster classroom consists of a group of gifted students within a regular, grade-level heterogeneous classroom. This program is offered at grades three through five at all Camas elementary schools. The classrooms are designed to accommodate varied levels of a gifted child's academic needs. Clustering provides students with opportunities to accelerate learning in their gifted areas. It also enables students to work at their own grade level in other subjects as needed. Gifted students experience working with age peers and ability peers as well as mixed ability groups that model their real-world experiences.
Applications for the Hi-Cap program are due on March 12. The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) will take place at JDZ Elementary on Saturday, March 21, from 9 a.m. to noon.
Click here to view the application form.
Click here to view the Hi-Cap brochure.
Pre-AP and Advanced Math Application Window
Placement of any of these programs is determined by a combination of district measures including the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). All current fifth grade applicants are required to test on Saturday, March 21, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Liberty Middle School , even if they have previously taken the CogAT. Current sixth and seventh grade applicants will be tested at their respective middle schools on Tuesday, March 17, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Click here to view the parent letter and permission to test form.
Click here to view the brochure.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Parenting Course Offered by Camas SD Counselors
Free child care will be offered by Camas High School Key Club. If you need childcare while taking the class or have question about the program, please contact Edie Hagstrom, School Counselor, by email: or by phone:(360) 833-5720 ext. 2352.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Budget Committee Minutes Posted
Good Stuff: Free Online Resources From the Library of Congress
The Hills Are Alive...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Camas Roots Garden Seeks LINKS/Americorps Volunteer Garden Coordinator
The Garden Coordinator’s job includes working along side of and mentoring alternative high school students and working with at-risk teens through the Clark County Juvenile County Restorative Community Service program. Working with elementary students as they watch the garden grow in their own backyard and building community connections are other large parts of the job. This position is a great chance for a motivated individual to develop relationships within the Camas School District and with community organizations and service providers in Clark County. The hours average up to 15 per week, and include school year and summer service. Applications are due March 15, 2009.
For more information, please contact Elisa Wells at 833-0925. A position description is posted at